For Syntax


The expression:

for _variable_ in _expression_ do _actions_ endfor

evaluates the expression, which should yield an iterable object, like a list, and then performs the actions with the variable being successively bound to each element in turn

for x in ['a', 'b', 'c'] do showMe( x ) endfor
### Will print

To iterate across a range of numbers use a ranged-list. For example, to add the numbers from 1 to 10 you would iterate across [1 ... 10]:

var total = 0
for i from [1 ... 10]:
    total <- total + i
println( total )
### Prints: 55

Technical Summary

The for-loop iterates over a set of statements by finding every possible binding to the loop-condition. At the time of writing the only loop-condition is:

  • _variable_ in _expression_ , which binds the given variable to each value produced by streaming from a snapshot of the given expression.


Railroad diagram for loop in EBNF grammar

LoopExpression ::= 
    'for' Query ('do'|':') Statements ('endfor'|'end')

Railroad diagram for loop-condition in EBNF grammar

Query ::= 
    ('var' | 'val' | 'const')? Identifier 'in' Expression